Jobs and Health Bills Make for Busy Day at Capitol

- New York Times

WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday voted to move forward with a long-stalled proposal to extend aid to more than two million people whose unemployment assistance ran out late last year.

Despite a bipartisan compromise that paved the way for a final vote and almost certain passage in the Senate next week, the measure appeared likely to falter in the House, where Speaker John A. Boehner this week again called the Senate plan unworkable.

The unemployment bill, however, was one among many of Mr. Boehnerfs concerns as he and Republican leaders found themselves backed into a corner after it appeared that legislation they favored that would prevent a 24 percent cut in Medicare payments to doctors almost failed with an April 1 deadline looming.

The bill, known as the gdoc fix,h ran into trouble after members of both parties objected to its temporary nature, as many prefer a permanent fix. Some Republicans objected more broadly to the overall cost, saying it was paid for with an accounting gimmick.

To avoid major disruption in hospitals and doctorsf offices next week, Mr. Boehner and leaders from both parties agreed to muscle the measure through by using a procedural trick that allowed them to call a vote without actually taking the roll.

The drama in the House was just one episode in an unusually eventful day on Capitol Hill, where actual lawmaking has already given way to the partisan grandstanding typical of an election year.

The day began with a coalition of Democratic senators announcing their call for significant changes to President Obamafs health care law, an issue that is weighing on almost every Democrat up for re-election this year.

The six senators, including three who are up for re-election, wrote in an op-ed for Politico Magazine that the law is worth saving despite its many imperfections, a position that polls have shown is more popular than a wholesale repeal.

Some of their proposals include adding a less costly, high-deductible gCopper Planh to the existing marketplace options of Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze; making small-business health care tax credits available longer and making them accessible to more employers; and offering an additional, permanent way to enroll in the health care marketplace other than, the website whose rollout has been plagued by problems.

Democrats in conservative states like Alaska, Arkansas and North Carolina have been hit with a barrage of ads attacking them for standing by the Affordable Care Act. They have struggled with how to best respond.

gMy opponents would love to use health care to beat me up,h said Senator Mark Begich of Alaska and one of the Democrats who signed onto the overhaul plan. gBut Alaskans vote on a broader range of issues like, eAm I doing the work? Am I getting the job done?f and eWhat am I doing to make the law better?f h

Phil Schiliro, a White House health care adviser, said, gWe welcome the senatorsf involvement and look forward to reviewing these ideas.h

Democrats will try to make inequality and pocketbook issues the staples of their 2014 election strategy. And the unemployment extension vote was just the beginning of a longer push on issues including raising the minimum wage, college affordability and strengthening Medicare.

Ten Republicans joined 53 Democrats and the two independents to break a Republican filibuster of the unemployment bill on Thursday. It calls for a five-month extension of the benefits that expired on Dec. 28, and it would be retroactive.

Though a handful of members of Mr. Boehnerfs own conference have called for a renewal of the expired unemployment assistance, which is meant to help people who have been out of work for more than six months, the bill has run into resistance among more conservative members. They have balked at the $10 billion cost and object to the governmentfs paying for anything but short-term benefits.

Mr. Boehner this week dashed any hopes that House leaders would seek the kind of bipartisan compromise struck in the Senate to offset the roughly $10 billion cost. It would extend certain United States Customs fees, put in place an accounting maneuver that allows corporations to postpone contributions to employee plans, and deny benefits to people whose gross income exceeded $1 million last year.

Mr. Boehner also introduced a new wrinkle: how to account for people who have found jobs between Dec. 28 and now. He said everyone whose benefits have expired would have to be paid out, even those who are now working.